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Sarah Temple

Course Leader, Diploma in Professional Studies
London College of Communication
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Sarah Temple is Course Leader for the Diploma in Professional Studies, an optional year long course of experiential learning, combined with internships, collaboration and design volunteering taught within the Design School, with an elite community of Alumni.

A former student of the London College of Printing and the Royal College of Art, Sarah returned to the London College of Communication in the mid-nineties to teach as an Associate Lecturer, while running her own design practice and also teaching at Kingston University.

At the start of her career Sarah worked for award-winning agencies David Davies Associates and Smith & Milton working with clients such as British Airways, Selfridges, Midland Bank, The English National Opera, Anglia Television and The National Theatre. She worked on the first exhibition at the Design Museum ‘Commerce & Culture’ with Stephen Bayley. After ten years of employment, Sarah set up her own consultancy sharing a studio with Michael Johnson of Johnson Banks and working with clients such as The National Maritime Museum, Harvey Nichols, Shelter, Boots and Silversea.

In 2009, Sarah begun working with Rajesh Kejriwal, founder of Designyatra the first Design and advertising conference in India, and began a series of years supporting the event, advising on speakers and themes and developing educational workshops and interventions.

The following year, Sarah was invited by Neville Brody to be part of the Anti-Design Festival, a 10 day event held in Redchurch Street, London, which questioned the role of design in society and involved a series of workshops and installations with students and industry figures.

Sarah established ‘Conscientious Communicators’ at LCC in 2011, a community of staff, students and researchers who put ethical and sustainable considerations at the heart of their practice. This was intended to consolidate the LCC philosophy of ‘Practice for the Public Good’ first established at the LCP in the 1960’s and to pledge a whole community of journalists, film makers, photographers and designers to communication with social responsibility.

Sarah’s pedagogical interests lie in the relationship between education and professional practice. Her MA dissertation in Teaching & Learning focused on the subject of experiential learning and the value of ‘real’ experience during a degree.

The Diploma in Professional Studies continues to be outstanding and nationally distinctive, producing enterprising and innovative students who attain high degree awards and progress successfully to industry, self employment or MA study.

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