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LCF: East Education

Hands reaching up to blue sky
Student work for BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development © University of Arts London

LCF delivering creative education opportunities in east London.

LCF East Education works with local schools and colleges, education and cultural partners as well as employers, on creative education experiences, building creativity and confidence in the arts, technology and sustainability for young people. Delivering opportunities to explore potential future careers in the world of fashion and supporting teachers with professional skills.

East Education offers:

Creative education workshops

Encouraging curiosity in young people from primary school through to post 16 - building cultural capital and expanding creative horizons –discover your fashion stories.

LCF East Education works with local partner schools and colleges on curriculum programmes including our annual programme, Innovation Challenge and collaborative creative workshops with East Bank partners such as East Summer School.

All activities deliver:

  • Employability skills
  • Gatsby benchmarks
  • Cultural capital growth
Young boy walking the catwalk at event at Waltham Forest, UK
Forest Coats Fashion Show Arbeit Studios Leyton Green on 14th December 2019, as part of the 'Making for Change: Waltham Forest Adam Razvi

Teacher development opportunities

LCF East Education is dedicated to supporting creative education in east London. We support teachers and lecturers in schools and college by providing access to professional development opportunities.

If you are interested in our CPD offer contact us.

Free resources include:

Klaudia Janiszewska and Sarah Day (Course Leader) in the Studio
Klaudia Janiszewska and Sarah Day (Course Leader) in the Studio. BA (Hons) Cordwainers Footwear: Product Design & Innovation © Alys Tomlinson

Young Innovators Challenge

The Young Innovators Challenge is a flagship programme for partner schools and colleges in east London, working toward the move to East Bank in 2023/24.

Each year a new challenge, with fashion and the environment as a central theme, will be set, starting with years 5-9 and gradually growing to include all age groups. It will be delivered in collaboration with schools, colleges, Fashion District employers and east London partners and all the challenges will be judged by industry partners, with finalists work showcased and prizes awarded to winning teams at the end of the year.

If you or your school or college are interested, register here.

Young Innovators Challenge 2020/21 - A Zine for the Future: The Life Cycle of a T Shirt

An exciting new interactive challenge for primary (yrs 5-6) and secondary (yrs 7-9) students in east London.

The Innovation Challenge for 2020-21 is, 'A Zine for the Future - The Life Cycle of a T Shirt' - guiding students through the impact t shirt production has on our environment. Students are being asked to create a zine to re-imagine the future of fashion for a brighter future.

LCF provide the learning materials, lesson plans and guidance for on and off line delivery options and support through videos and visits (if possible).

All zines will be judged and prizes awarded at a ceremony in July 2021.

A Zine for the Future: The Life Cycle of a T Shirt (PDF 995KB)

Collage by Rana Mohamed featuring an image themed on the Black Panther movement.
Collage by Rana Mohamed. BA (Hons) Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear. © Alys Tomlinson

Careers, collaborations and opportunities

LCF East Education works with key school and college partners to ensure your students can access the world of fashion and delivers Gatsby benchmarks.

We will publish webinars, panel discussions and resources here. Meanwhile, for case studies and how-to videos visit our Insights page - a digital magazine for the next generation of artists, designers and creatives, produced by the Outreach team at UAL.

If you are interested in finding out more about working with LCF East Education contact us.

Magazine rack at the library at John Prince's Street London College of Fashion
Library at John Prince's Street London College of Fashion © Alys Tomlinson