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Cat Potter

Footwear and Accessories Designer
London College of Fashion
Cat  Potter


Cat is a Footwear and Accessories Designer. Here she tells us about the challenges of running your own business and her top tips for aspiring designers.


Could you introduce yourself and your current role?

My name is Cat Potter and I am a Footwear and Accessories Designer.

How did you get to where you are today?

With a lot of support and hard work!

What were your biggest challenges along the way?

The biggest challenge along the way was having to learn very quickly to adapt to different areas of the business. Suddenly you find yourself not only being a designer but having to excel in Finance, PR, Marketing, Manufacturing etc.

Why did you choose to study MA Footwear at LCF?

I had completed the 1 year Diploma in Footwear the year before so it felt natural to go on to the Masters at LCF. Not to mention all the excellent technical guidance and teaching!

What did you learn as part of the Masters that was different to the BA?

Critical thinking and developing a concept were at the heart of what I learnt. I was taught to approach a collection by not only researching fashion but to branch out and contact individuals from architecture, fine art and other creative sectors.

Did you find London inspiring?

London is an amazing city; Diverse, hectic, incredibly cultural and full of great art!

Tell us about an average day at your job?

All my work is handmade in my studio so I make sure to set aside a lot of time for making. This usually means that I respond to all emails in the morning so that I can concentrate solely on designing and creating for the rest of the day. That’s the goal anyway!

What are your ambitions for the future?

I am currently developing a new collection of bags which will be on sale soon.

What’s an ideal weekend for you?

At the moment it would be to spend time with my partner as we hardly get to see each other during the week. This usually involves drinks on a Friday, finding a new restaurant on Saturday (I absolutely love food- usually something Korean) and then lying in on a Sunday, with something cultural thrown in in the afternoon!

What is your top tip for people who want to get into roles like yours?

Make as many contacts as possible and work hard!

Three words all shoe designers should live by…

Be focused, be international and be prepared to work very hard.

What’s the most important thing you wish you had known when you started out?

Research and learn about the industry you want to be in and get involved with a lot of work placements. Make as many contacts as you can!

In your opinion what are the Do’s and Dont’s of being a designer?

Be persistent. Work with people and brands that excite you. Value yourself and your work- don’t work for free!


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