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How to stand out at the LCF Careers Fair: Insights from Sweaty Betty, DWEET and AllSaints

Illustration of students gathering at stalls talking to industry at a careers fair. Flyers, bunting and portfolios on display.
  • Written byM. Ashton
  • Published date 19 June 2024
Illustration of students gathering at stalls talking to industry at a careers fair. Flyers, bunting and portfolios on display.
Illustration for Graduate Futures by Danya Vassanth

The upcoming LCF Careers Fair will see Graduate Futures Graduate Futures hosting 18 brands and companies in East Bank, all ready to meet our future LCF talent. Being prepared for the Fair is the best way to make a good impression and stand out.

In this LCF Stories series, we help LCF students and graduates prepare for the Careers Fair with tips from our Industry Exhibitors, Sweaty Betty, DWEET and AllSaints, on how to make the most of this event.

Insights from Sweaty Betty

What draws you to the talent emerging from the London College of Fashion, and how do you see these students and graduates contributing to the future success and innovation of Sweaty Betty?

London College of Fashion (LCF) is well-regarded for nurturing creativity, innovation, and technical skills among its students. There are several reasons why the talent emerging from LCF is particularly appealing and could contribute to the future success and innovation of Sweaty Betty.

Particularly, we are drawn to the fact that LCF students are known for their creative vision, cutting-edge design, and innovation. They are trained to push the boundaries of fashion design, bringing fresh and innovative ideas to the table.

Their exposure to the latest trends, materials, and technologies can help Sweaty Betty stay ahead of the curve in activewear design. We are also aware that many LCF programs emphasize sustainable fashion, which aligns with the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products. With this approach, LCF graduates can contribute to Sweaty Betty's sustainability initiatives by developing new, environmentally friendly materials and processes.

Additionally, LCF offers specialized courses in pattern cutting, textile technology, and garment construction, ensuring that graduates have a strong technical foundation. This expertise can enhance the quality and functionality of products and lead to unique and high-performance activewear solutions for Sweaty Betty. Here, at Sweaty Betty, we pride ourselves on our values and strive to build a diverse workforce. We have noticed that LCF emphasizes attracting students from around the world, bringing a wide range of cultural perspectives and design influences. This diversity can inspire inclusive and globally appealing collections for Sweaty Betty.

The talent emerging from the London College of Fashion is equipped with a unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and industry experience. By integrating these graduates into Sweaty Betty, the company can enhance its design innovation, sustainability efforts, and global market appeal, ensuring future success and continued leadership in the activewear industry.

A group of women standing together in a long line wearing black t-shorts and shorts, standing in front of a pink wall with the words
Image provided by Sweaty Betty from their 'Wear the Damn Shorts' campaign

What can graduates expect from the world of employment as they enter the industry?

As newcomers in the fashion industry, graduates should be prepared for a competitive and fast-paced environment. They will need to distinguish themselves through their unique skills, creativity, and networking in order to stand out among many talented individuals seeking similar positions. Career opportunities in the fashion industry extend beyond design, including merchandising, marketing, product development, supply chain management, and fashion technology. Graduates should embrace the industry's rapid pace of change and be open to continuous learning in response to evolving trends and consumer preferences. Furthermore, staying updated with the latest technological advancements and trends, such as digital design tools, e-commerce, and sustainable practices, is essential. Adopting a mindset focused on turning challenges into opportunities will set individuals apart in this highly creative but competitive industry.

Any tips or advice for students graduating this year?

Graduating students entering the fashion industry can benefit from building a strong portfolio and showcasing their best work. Including a variety of projects that highlight their skills, creativity, and versatility will set them up for success. Students should make sure to keep their portfolio updated with their latest work and projects, including any freelance work, internships, or collaborations. One of the strongest values of Sweaty Betty is "Our Strength is in Each Other"; therefore, we believe that networking and project collaborations are key to success. Students should aim to participate in fashion shows, trade fairs, and networking events to meet industry professionals and make connections. They can also take on freelance projects or collaborate with peers and emerging designers to build their portfolios and gain practical experience.

Platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram can be powerful tools for networking. Engaging with industry leaders and joining relevant groups or communities will help your students stay current. Following the brands they love on social media and seeing what they are up to could also help!

Another great piece of advice would be to be open to various roles and opportunities, even if they are not their ideal position. Each experience can provide valuable skills and insights.

A large black square with the words Sweaty Betty London at the bottom. inside the square are 2 full circles and 2 half circles.
Image provided by Sweaty Betty from their brand logos

Insights from DWEET

What draws you to the talent emerging from LCF, and how do you see these students and graduates contributing to the future success and innovation of DWEET?

London College of Fashion is shaping the future of fashion. So is Dweet. We’re building the largest pool of fashion, beauty & luxury talent, offering them temporary or permanent work opportunities. The quality of the talent joining Dweet makes our platform attractive for brands. This is why partnering with LCF is relevant for us. We want to be able to propose the largest array of skills and experiences to our clients and the largest number of work opportunities to our talent, from the creative studio to the stores.

Dweet will accompany the students and alumni throughout their professional lives, from offering flexible retail opportunities to proposing more selective HQ roles in product design, production, communication or buying.

The way people work and hire in the fashion industry is evolving fast. By proposing different ways of working, from freelancing and consulting to more permanent opportunities, Dweet is championing the ability to choose. The students of LCF are among the best trained in the world, which means that they can adopt the most advanced and forward-thinking solutions.

What can graduates expect from the world of employment as they enter the industry?

Embracing Flexibility:

The traditional 9-to-5 is becoming about as relevant as a flip phone. Companies are embracing remote work, flexible hours, and project-based contracts. This shift is great news for your work-life balance, but it also means you'll need to bring your A-game when it comes to self-discipline and communication skills. At Dweet, we believe flexible working has the power to transform brands and enable people to live life on their own terms.

The Evolution of Retail:

The traditional brick-and-mortar model is being reinvented. Stores are becoming immersive spaces that offer not just products, but experiences, services, and community building. Graduates with a knack for storytelling and curating unforgettable customer journeys will thrive.

Opportunities within Talent Shortages:

The industry is facing a bit of a talent shortage at the moment, as experienced pros seek out more fulfilling and flexible work arrangements. But don't worry, this actually presents a huge opportunity for you graduates: brands are becoming more open to this new style of work, so embrace those flexible opportunities they're offering. And if you're still keen on the full-time gig and linear path upwards, show off your dedication to the brand, and you'll rise through the ranks in no time.

Brands often prefer candidates with practical experience, such as internships or work placements, as they need confidence in the hire's success. London School of Fashion graduates have an advantage given the university's credentials. Still, they can also leverage platforms like Dweet, which brands already trust to match professionals to open roles.

The Industry Evolving Quickly:

Embrace the chaos. The old guard is crumbling, and traditional retail models are being flipped on their heads by e-commerce and DTC brands. Social media and influencer marketing have democratised access but also cranked up the competition. Adaptability and a willingness to embrace change are non-negotiable in this new world.

DWEET brand logo, black writing with a black sideways triangle at the left edge.
Image provided by DWEET from their brand logos

Any tips or advice for students graduating London college of fashion this year?

Develop a T-shaped Skill Set:

Become a “specialised generalist” or "T-shaped individual". Picture a "T" (the vertical bar), representing your deep knowledge of your speciality, while the horizontal bar represents your broader range of skills. Developing a T allows you to solve hard problems in novel ways. Allowing for a broad perspective, which makes you more versatile, innovative, and indispensable in a rapidly changing job market. When developing your T, look for ways to combine skills that are both rare and valuable, making you stand out and become highly sought after.

A quick tip: get close to the product, customer, buyers, etc., as early in your career as possible — no matter what function you end up working in. Temping in retail is a fantastic way to achieve this (whilst making some $$ on the side). This is one of the reasons we built Retail Flex: it connects you directly with temporary sales associate shifts at top brands.

Retail jobs help no matter what function. Get close to the customer, meet the buyers, get close to the brand. Flex model - easy to dabble in and do bits here and there any supplement your income.

P.S. developing your horizontal part of the T is a great way to discover your calling…

How to Discover Your Calling:

Discover what you’re excited about and what you're naturally good at “calling”, this is the secret sauce that leads to long-term success and fulfilment in your career. How do you discover this combo? Don't just sit around waiting for it to come to you - work on different projects, say "yes" to everything, and read widely to discover your strengths. Once you find it, you won’t have to ask, "Is it my calling?" much in the same way as when you fall in love, you don't have to wonder, "Am I in love?". Because you're in love.

Aim to have a clear sense of what you enjoy as early as possible, as this core is likely to remain consistent throughout your life. Understanding this early will help you navigate your career path more effectively.

Extreme People Get Extreme Results:

Great work requires some serious elbow grease; all the “quick hacks to success” are bullshit. Extreme people get extreme results, and while working, a lot comes with huge life trade-offs. Some peak experiences in life can be found through pushing through really hard problems with teams of people you care about. The advantages of doing this are plentiful –– momentum compounds, success leads to success, and when you find your purpose and excel at it, you can really positively impact the world.

So, if you want to work hard and make a real dent, I say go for it. Spend an unhealthy amount of hours on it. Embrace what you love to do. Expect many (many!) bumps in the road and use them as opportunities to learn and grow — these build a strength and character which stays with you for life. Consistently work through challenges and remember that perseverance is key to achieving great results.

Trust Your instincts and Challenge the Status Quo:

If you think something is important but other people who are stuck in “their old ways” don't, there's a decent chance you're on to something. This is how most startups begin. Norms take a long time to change, so don't be afraid to question the way things are currently done. Your fresh perspective and innovative ideas could be exactly what the industry needs to evolve and stay relevant.

A Greyscale image of a man and a woman standing and smiling at the camera
Image provided by ALLSAINTS from their careers imagery catalogue

Insights from AllSaints

What draws you to the talent emerging from LCF, and how do you see these students and graduates contributing to the future success and innovation of AllSaints?

It is always exciting partnering with new emerging talent from LCF, offering graduates entry level roles for their first corporate job. Especially when they have worked so hard and it is very important we maintain these relationships with universities.

What can graduates expect from the world of employment as they enter the industry?

In the world of employment graduates can expect to receive great learning and development opportunities which will support their growth into their new role as well as growing into promotions. There are fantastic benefits and compensation to look forward to such as events, socials and company benefits.

In the fashion industry it is an extremely fast-paced environment so graduates will learn how to tackle tasks and situations with creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, there will be many networking opportunities to meet established and well-connected people who are always ready to provide any advice needed.

Any tips or advice for students graduating this year?

Our top tips for students graduating this year is to:

  • build a network on linkedin
  • create a presence for yourself
  • learn about the recruitment process
  • every moment is going to be an opportunity to learn
  • build as strong portfolio
  • have fun and don't put pressure on yourself
Two people standing on a sand dune, one wearing a dress and lookingat the camera, while the other is wearing beige trousers and a white shirt looking into the distance.
Image provided by ALLSAINTS from their Summer 24 collection.

With all that great advice in mind, don’t forget to sign-up and attend the LCF Careers Fair 2024.