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FAQs and guidance for students on Level 1 and 2 Results Day

  • Written byUAL Awarding Body
  • Published date 11 August 2021
Work by Cheng-Lin Tsai, Graduate Diploma Photography, London College of Communication

Please note: This information only applies to pre-degree students completing UAL Awarding Body qualifications this summer.

Today is our Level 1 and 2 results day. If you are a student completing a UAL Awarding Body Level 1, Level 2 or a short course qualification this Summer, you may find the following information useful. If you are a tutor, please feel free to share this information with your students.

This has been an extraordinary year for students and teachers across the UK. We have been inspired by your creativity, resilience and integrity. We understand this has been an anxious time for students and educators, and that some of you will have questions following results. Even so, we applaud your achievements and are delighted that we can finally support so many people to continue their journey into further study or employment.

We are anticipating a large volume of enquires on and following results day. If you contact us and we are unable to resolve your problem immediately, please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our whole team will be focussed on helping students and colleges at this time.

How can I access my results?

Please contact your school or college to obtain your results. If they are unable to provide your result, the school or college must contact UAL Awarding Body with the student’s name, Centre name and the title of the qualification.

How has my grade been arrived at this year?

This year, grades have been determined using Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs).

Teacher Assessed Grades have made the most of your teachers’ professional expertise and judgement and have been produced based on a wide range of evidence from across the 2020/21 academic year. This process has ensured that the grades you receive today are both fair and representative of your achievements throughout the year. We understand that there have been varying challenges for students this year, so we have made sure that the process considered individual circumstances in relation to the pandemic.

Whilst your teachers have used their judgment to award a grade, be assured that TAGs have been part of a wider qualification awards process for which awarding organisations were still ultimately responsible.

We used highly experienced External Quality Assurance experts to ensure that fair, consistent and accurate grades are awarded this Summer. Our technical staff and Board of Examiners scrutinised decisions to ensure that grades are free from bias and discrimination.

I am unhappy with my grade and would like to appeal. How do I do this?

You will be able to appeal your grade via your centre following the release of the results by UAL.

To find out more about the grounds on which you can appeal, please see our UAL Awarding Body Grade Appeals Policy 2021.

We have also put together an appeal process explainer document for a step-by-step guide to appealing grades this year.

When will I receive my certificate?

Certificates will be issued to students by the end of September.