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Funding update 2022/23

Two canvases hang on a grey wall. They are both displaying embroidered colourful flowers and are bathed in dappled light.
  • Written byUAL Awarding Body
  • Published date 07 March 2022
Two canvases hang on a grey wall. They are both displaying embroidered colourful flowers and are bathed in dappled light.
Stacy Griffiths, BA Textile Design, Chelsea College of Arts

Annual funding approval

The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) confirms funding on an annual basis for qualifications across the 14-16 and 16-19 landscape in England. This position is consistent across all funding offers and all Awarding Organisations.

We anticipate our qualifications will continue to be funded in the 2022/23 academic year, as they have been in the 2021/22 academic year. The exception to this is a small number of older qualifications which Department for Education have identified as having less than 100 learners enrolled (please see list below).

We expect confirmation of funding in the spring and we will update our documentation once confirmation is received. You can also check the ‘find a learning aim’ webpage for the most up-to-date information.

Find a learning aim (

Funding changes for low and no-uptake qualifications

As communicated to centres previously, following a sector-wide Department for Education (DfE) review, smaller qualifications with very few or no registrations will have funding removed from August 2022 in England. These are qualifications with consistently fewer than 100 publicly funded students nationally per year and include the following qualifications:

  • UAL Level 1 Award in Music, Performing & Production Arts
  • UAL Level 2 Certificate in Drawing
  • UAL Level 2 Award in Photography
  • UAL Level 2 Award in Printmaking
  • UAL Level 2 Certificate in Photography
  • UAL Level 2 Award in Music, Performance & Production
  • UAL Level 2 Award in Fashion Business & Retail
  • UAL Level 3 Certificate in Drawing
  • UAL Level 3 Award in Photography
  • UAL Level 3 Certificate in Photography

This removal will affect 16-18-year-old students on study programmes and 19+ students under the Adult Education Budget, including those entitled to legal entitlement and those requiring Advanced Learner Loans.

If you currently offer these qualifications and would like to discuss alternatives, or have further questions, please contact

Please note, the following qualifications were included in the consultations but have retained funding in the 2022/23 academic year:

  • UAL Level 2 Award in Drawing
  • UAL Level 2 Award in Performing and Production Arts
  • UAL Level 2 Diploma in Fashion Business and Retail.